100 Sight Words Kindergarten Workbook Ages 4-6: A Whimsical Learn to Read & Write Adventure Act

100 Sight Words Kindergarten Workbook Ages 4-6: A Whimsical Learn to Read & Write Adventure Act

Showing posts with label b_inggris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label b_inggris. Show all posts

B. inggris From: Ray Reynolds To: Head of Environmental Major Kings College London Date: March 20, 2018 Sub: Plastic Awareness Campaign You recently asked me to submit a short report on "The Plastic Awareness Campaign" that I have been conducting in the neighborhood. You asked that I submit a report within three weeks of the start of the campaign. The Plastic Awareness Campaign has been held in 10 cities until now. Workshops, interactive sessions, as well as pamphlets are an integral part of the campaign. Students have demonstrated a keen interest in our campaign. More than a hundred students have come forth to join the campaign and encourage people to use plastic wisely. Students enroll in workshops conducted by Mr. Das and others. They are asked to explore alternatives other than plastic. They are also instructed in proper disposal of plastic and made aware of the dangers of plastic to the environment. The response to Plastic Awareness Campaign has been positive. Students show a lot of interest in pursuing the campaign, even outside of their area. I would like to recommend that the Plastic Awareness Campaign continue for another two months. This will make it possible to educate several schools in the city. It would also be helpful if students are taught how to make simple paper bags using old newspapers, magazines, and books. We can make The Plastic Awareness Campaign a running success in the city. Another more detailed report will be represented to you in the event that the plastic campaign is extended. Regards, Ray Reynolds Campaign Leader Answer These Questions below.
1. What is the title of the report?
2. When is the report made?
3. what is the content of the report?
4. Where is plastic Awereness held?
5. How many students are They join with this Campaign?​